I try to do a simple rest call with springs resttemplate:
private void doLogout(String endpointUrl, String sessionId) {
template.getForObject("http://{enpointUrl}?method=logout&session={sessionId}", Object.class,
endpointUrl, sessionId);
Where the endpointUrl variable contains something like service.host.com/api/service.php
Unfortunately, my call results in a org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error: service.host.com%2Fapi%2Fservice.php
So spring seems to encode my endpointUrl string before during the creation of the url. Is there a simple way to prevent spring from doing this?
There is no easy way to do this. URI template variables are usually meant for path elements or a query string parameters. You're trying to pass a host. Ideally, you'd find a better solution for constructing the URI. I suggest Yuci's solution.
If you still want to work with Spring utilities and template expansion, one workaround is to use UriTemplate
to produce the URL with the URI variables as you have them, then URL-decode it and pass that to your RestTemplate
String url = "http://{enpointUrl}?method=logout&session={sessionId}";
URI expanded = new UriTemplate(url).expand(endpointUrl, sessionId); // this is what RestTemplate uses
url = URLDecoder.decode(expanded.toString(), "UTF-8"); // java.net class
template.getForObject(url, Object.class);