Spring 4 WebSocket Remote Broker configuration

Evgeni Dimitrov picture Evgeni Dimitrov · Dec 23, 2013 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I managed to create simple Websocket application with Spring 4 and Stomp. See my last question here Then I tried to use remote message broker(ActiveMQ). I just started the broker and changed




and it worked.

The question is how the broker is configured? I understand that in this case the application automagicaly finds the broker on localhost:defaultport, bu what if I need to point the app to some other broker on other machine?


Brian Clozel picture Brian Clozel · Dec 27, 2013

The enableStompBrokerRelay method returns a convenient Registration instance that exposes a fluent API.

You can use this fluent API to configure your Broker relay:


You can also configure various properties, like login/pass credentials for your broker, etc.

Same with XML Configuration:

  <websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/foo">
    <websocket:handshake-handler ref="myHandler"/>
  <websocket:stomp-broker-relay prefix="/topic,/queue" 
      relay-host="relayhost" relay-port="1234"
      client-login="clientlogin" client-passcode="clientpass"
      system-login="syslogin" system-passcode="syspass"
      heartbeat-send-interval="5000" heartbeat-receive-interval="5000"

See the StompBrokerRelayRegistration javadoc for more details on properties and default values.