I am trying to create a tree data structure in java where each parent node can have only three child nodes but I'm stuck on adding a node to the tree in the case where a node has at least one child but less than 3 child nodes. I'm unsure if I should use a Iterator to iterator through the list of nodes for the current node I'm on. I tryed to use a variable that would increment each time the add()
method was called.
here's my code:
Node class:
public class Node {
int keyValue;
int nodeLabel;
ArrayList<Node> nodeChildren;
private static int count;
Node(int _keyValue)
this.nodeLabel = count;
this.keyValue = _keyValue;
nodeChildren = new ArrayList<Node>();
public String toString()
return "Node " + nodeLabel + " has the key " + keyValue;
Tree class: add()
Node rootNode;
int incrementor = 0;
public void addNode(int nodeKey)
Node newNode = new Node(nodeKey);
if (rootNode == null)
rootNode = newNode;
else if (rootNode.nodeChildren.isEmpty())
else if (!rootNode.nodeChildren.isEmpty())
Node currentNode = rootNode;
Node parentNode;
incrementor = 0;
while (currentNode.nodeChildren.size() < 3)
if (currentNode.nodeChildren.size() == 3)
parentNode = currentNode.nodeChildren.get(incrementor);
currentNode = parentNode;
parentNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.nodeChildren.iterator().next();
incrementor = incrementor + 1;
I get a IndexOutOfBounds exception when a third node is added to tree
while (currentNode.nodeChildren.size() < 3)
will cause
if (currentNode.nodeChildren.size() == 3)
to always evaluate to false, thus the parent node will never switch to a child.