I don't have much experience with TestNG annotations, however I am trying to build a test suite using TestNG framework and POM design pattern for a retail website. I am planning to use a data driven approach. My plan is to drive my test scenarios through excel and not using testng.xml.
For example I will be having number of testsuites, which will be nothing but various class files under a package name TestSuite. TestSuite names will be listed in an excel and user will be allowed to set the run mode of the testsuite by changing the run mode to TRUE/FALSE. Here I am planning to implement a condition check to see if the Run mode is FALSE and accordingly skip the testsuite, i.e. the testsuite class.
Do we have any direct method to achieve the same using TestNG or please suggest any solution for the same with a small example.
Please add the below line of code in the beginning of the test which will skip your test case
throw new SkipException("Skipping the test case");