I'm trying to deploy an EAR in weblogic10.3.6 application server. My ear module contains a web application module and and a jar module. When I'm deploying ear to weblogic server this is showing error -
WebLogic split source deployment only supports resource folder mapping
to EAR or web content root. Please change the deployment mode
to exploded archive in Server Editor.
How can I set the deployment mode of Weblogic server ?
If you use Eclipse IDE, please right click to web project:
Properties -> Deployment Assembly
and check your deployment assembly list.
For example I have this list in my Deployment Assembly:
src/main/java | WEB-INF/classes
src/main/resources | WEB-INF/classes
src/main/... | WEB-INF/web.xml
I deledet web.xml row because the WebLogic supported WEB-INF/classes. Here is an explanation:
If you are mapping external folders to web resources in Deployment Assembly, NOT all the mappings are supported, only resource folder mapping to EAR or web content root are supported in split source. (In your case, mapping to '/WEB-INF/classes/' should be supported, which is a bug we will fix in future release)