We started to check the performance of my application as its getting slow after some time. I am using jvisualvm to observe the cause. Can anyone tell how can i use jvisualvm in Unix as in Windows we can check it through UI. Can we have the same view in Unix also.
Lets my path to jvisualvm is /Prj/tools/java/bin/jvisualvm
When i use help,
Usage: /Prj/tools/java/bin/../lib/visualvm//platform7/lib/nbexec {options} arguments
General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhome <path> path to Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
-J<jvm_option> pass <jvm_option> to JVM
--cp:p <classpath> prepend <classpath> to classpath
--cp:a <classpath> append <classpath> to classpath
Core options:
--laf <LaF classname> use given LookAndFeel class instead of the default
--fontsize <size> set the base font size of the user interface, in points
--locale <language[:country[:variant]]> use specified locale
--userdir <path> use specified directory to store user settings
Module reload options:
--reload /path/to/module.jar Installs or reinstalls a module JAR file.
Just type in your terminal:
And hit enter. If you want to pass some arguments or options (like JDK home) put it after "jvisualvm" in the command above using the format provided by help.