Maven: resource binary changes file size after build

sbsmith picture sbsmith · Oct 21, 2013 · Viewed 10k times · Source

I am using the appengine-maven-plugin to build my Java Google App Engine project.

I include .p12 certificates in a WEB-INF sub-folder

When I build my application, the filesize of the certificate increases by a few KB. This renders it invalid. I have seen the same happen to .jks certificates too.

I have verified the validity of the certificate pre-build and used the same method to confirm the invalidity of the post-build certificate.

Can anyone tell me why the file size is changing and why it is not simply copied to the WAR?

Thanks for your help.


hrunar picture hrunar · Jun 18, 2014

Another solution is to disable filtering of .p12 files throughout your project by adding the following config:
