In my current web application I am trying to get rid of web.xml and I have not been able to properly setup the security constraint that forces all requests to the application to use HTTPS.
How can I turn the above web.xml configuration snippet in servlet 3.x configuration code that does the same thing?
I want the constraint to apply to every servlet, filter, and static resource in application, the examples I have seen online so far show to attach a security constraint to a servlet, but I want the security constraint attached to the web app. In the xml snippet above you see that it does not reference any specific servlet
I believe you are looking for the @ServletSecurity
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*")
@ServletSecurity(value = @HttpConstraint(transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL))
public class SomeServlet extends HttpServlet { ... }
Or with ServletRegistration
in a ServletContainerInitializer
(or anywhere you have access to a ServletContext
ServletRegistration.Dynamic dynamic = context.addServlet("someServlet", SomeServlet.class);
HttpConstraintElement httpConstraintElement = new HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL);
ServletSecurityElement servletSecurityElement = new ServletSecurityElement(httpConstraintElement);