I'm a longtime C++ programmer, new to Java. I'm developing a Java Blackberry project in Eclipse. Question - is there a way to introduce different configuration sets within the project and then compile slightly different code based on those?
In Visual Studio, we have project configurations and #ifdef; I know there's no #ifdef in Java, but maybe something on file level?
You can set up 'final' fields and ifs to get the compiler to optimize the compiled byte-codes.
public static final boolean myFinalVar=false;
if (myFinalVar) {
do something ....
If 'myFinalVar' is false when the code is compiled the 'do something....' bit will be missed out of the compiled class. If you have more than one condition - this can be tidied up a bit: shift them all to another class (say 'Config.myFinalVar') and then the conditions can all be kept in one neat place.
This mechanism is described in 'Hardcore Java'.
[Actually I think this is the same mechanism as the "poor man's ifdef" posted earlier.]