I've built a simple music sequencer Android app that plays multiple audio files.
Originally I was using SoundPool to play mp3 files and it worked perfectly on 2.3.4 with an old HTC Droid Incredible. Then I tested it on a Galaxy Nexus running 4.3 and the performance was horrendous. The audio timing all over the place and there were glitches/clicks/pops.
So I spent several days making a player using AudioTrack including an mp3 decoder and got it working perfectly on both the Galaxy and the HTC. Now I've just tested it on a Nexus 4 (running 4.3) and the performance is terrible - the timing is all over the place. SoundPool even offers better performance on this device.
I'm really frustrated and don't know what to do to finish my app so I would really appreciate if someone could help me out. I've put some code samples of my audio player below. I've tried everything I can think of including changing the buffer size, using AudioTrack.MODE_STATIC
etc. The new Google devices have low latency audio so it's very strange how everything works way better on my old droid!
Thanks in advance
* Play note
public void playNote(String note, float vol)
PlayThread oldThread = threadMap.get(note);
if(oldThread != null) {
//Cancel timer
if(oldThread.timer != null) {
oldThread.timer = null;
//Play if within Polyphony
if(threadMap.size() < POLYPHONY) {
PlayThread thread = new PlayThread(note, vol);
threadMap.put(note, thread);
* Stop note
public void stopNote(String note, int fadeDurationInMs)
PlayThread thread = threadMap.get(note);
if(thread != null) {
* Stop all
public void stopAllPlaying(int fadeDurationInMs)
for(PlayThread thread : threadMap.values()) {
if(thread != null) {
* PlayThread
private class PlayThread extends Thread
String note;
float vol;
float fadeVol;
boolean stop;
AudioTrack audioTrack;
Timer timer;
* Constructor
public PlayThread(String note, float vol)
this.note = note;
this.vol = vol;
this.fadeVol = vol;
* Run
public void run()
try {
//Create buffer
int bufferSize = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNELS, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "min buffersize = " + bufferSize);
bufferSize = bufferSize * 2;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNELS, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, bufferSize, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM);
audioTrack.setStereoVolume(vol, vol);
//Get byte data
byte[] byteData = sampleMap.get(note);
//Convert to input stream
InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteData);
//Write to audioTrack
int bytesRead = 0;
while(!stop && (bytesRead = input.read(buffer)) != -1) {
audioTrack.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
//When finished...
catch(Exception e) {}
* Set volume
private synchronized void setVol(float newVol)
audioTrack.setStereoVolume(newVol, newVol);
* Update volume
private synchronized void lowerVol()
fadeVol -= 0.01;
if(fadeVol < 0) vol = 0;
audioTrack.setStereoVolume(fadeVol, fadeVol);
* Fade out
public synchronized void fadeOut(int fadeDurationInMs)
//Start decreasing volume
if(fadeDurationInMs > 0) {
timer = new Timer(true);
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask()
public void run()
//If thread killed while running
try {
//Lower volume
catch (Exception e) {}
//Stop when volume reaches 0
if(fadeVol <= 0) {
if(timer != null) {
stop = true;
//Calculate delay, set to 1 if zero
int delay = (int) (fadeDurationInMs / (vol * 100));
if(delay == 0) delay = 1;
timer.schedule(timerTask, delay, delay);
* Request stop
public synchronized void requestStop()
//Stop click/pop when stopping sample
stop = true;
* Kill Thread
private synchronized void killThread(Thread theThread)
if(theThread != null) {
theThread = null;
Like user harikris suggests, I would highly recommend you move all your audio playback and processing code to Android NDK using the OpenSL ES library for the best performance.
As I understand, the AudioTrack API is built on top of OpenSL ES Buffer Queue Audio Player. So you could probably improve performance by working directly with the NDK, writing C code that is called from your Java/Android layer to work with the sound.
The native-audio example mentioned above contains code that will show you how to play a sound file directly from a URI. In my experience, the results from this method are better than AudioTrack in Static Mode.
Soundpool is generally reserved for very short sounds that can be played from memory and its not a scalable solution for your sequencer especially if you introduce large files.
Here are some links that have helped me out with my applications: -General Information on OpenSL ES for Android: http://mobilepearls.com/labs/native-android-api/opensles/
-An Android audio blog with some great example code: http://audioprograming.wordpress.com
Edit: The old mobile pearl link appears to be down. Here's a working one:http://mobilepearls.com/labs/native-android-api/ndk/docs/opensles/index.html