As mentioned in the below blog, we can modify screen resolution during selenium test runs.
Tried the below code(as mentioned in ""), but not setting the specified resolution. Is this still not available for Selenium?
DesiredCapabilities dc=new DesiredCapabilities();
Sauce Labs != Selenium
Sauce labs use that capability to provision you a VM with the desired resolution, it's not a capability that Selenium itself knows about.
Selenium is not capable of modifying your desktop resolution!
If you want to modify your browser size in Selenium so that it matches a specific resolution you can do a:
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1024, 768))
The above is not supported with Opera driver, so instead you would need to do:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera()
capabilities.setCapability("opera.arguments", "-screenwidth 1024 -screenheight 768")
While setting the browser size is not the same as setting the screen resolution, it should for all intents and purposes meet your requirements.