Data Driven Rules Engine - Drools

Jasper picture Jasper · Aug 21, 2013 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

I have been evaluating Drools as a Rules Engine for use in our Business Web Application.

My use case is a Order Management Application.
And the rules are of following kind:
- If User Type is "SPECIAL" give an extra 5% discount.
- If User has made 10+ Purchases already, give an extra 3% discount.
- If Product Category is "OLD", give a Gift Hamper to the user worth $5.
- If Product Category is "NEW", give a Gift Hamper to the user worth $1
- If User has made purchases of over $1000 in the past, Shipping is Free

The immediate challenge i see is that:
- There is no meaningful UI that i can offer to the end users to modify the rules.
- Guvnor UI or any Editor to modify drl files is just not acceptable from end user point of view - Most of these Rules will operate on often huge data available in db

- I want a way for Admin users to specify these Rule from within my Web App UI.
- Could i store these "Rules" in database, and then operate on them via Drools - at least that allows me to "modify" these Rules via my "own" UI. So this is something like a Decision Table in DB.
- What is the best way to go about this?


Bill Karwin picture Bill Karwin · Aug 23, 2013

You asked me to give an answer to your question, given my answer to Data driven business rules. My answer to that question was that SQL is a bad solution to execute business rules stored in the database. The person who asked that question wanted to generate SQL expressions from their stored business rules, and I cautioned against doing that, because it would lead to problems in security, testability, performance, and maintenance.

I have not used Drools, but I gather from documentation that it includes Guvnor, a business rules manager that supports using an RDBMS as a repository for user-defined rules.

[Drools] Guvnor uses the JCR standard for storing assets such as rules. The default implementation is Apache Jackrabbit, This includes an out of the box storage engine/database, which you can use as is, or configure to use an existing RDBMS if needed. (

Apache Jackrabbit is not an RDBMS, it is "a content repository is a hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and more." This seems like a more appropriate repository for Drools.

But Drools doesn't say it tries to use SQL to execute those business rules. It has a separate component, Drools Expert (Rules Engine) to do that.

Drools Expert is a declarative, rule based, coding environment. This allows you to focus on "what it is you want to do", and not the "how to do this". (

SQL is also a declarative programming language, but it's designed to perform relational operations on table-structured data. A language to implement a rules engine has different goals, and can probably do things that SQL can't (and vice-versa).

So I would suggest if you use Drools, feel free to use an RDBMS as a repository as they document (use their JCR-compliant implementation of content repository, do not try to design your own). Then use their Drools Expert as a specialized language designed for executing rules.