Since Github disabled the downloads, we need to use a new service (like for publishing our binaries. For our usecase I need to build a package (using appassembler-maven-plugin), then zip and tar.gz this build and deploy it to bintray.
It would be nice if a nightly builds will be shipped by travis and releases from hand with the mvn release plugin.
Currently the pom looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:d0x/fromGithubToBintray.git</developerConnection>
<name>Christian Schneider</name>
<!-- <distributionManagement> -->
<!-- <repository> -->
<!-- <id>bintray</id> -->
<!-- <url></url> -->
<!-- </repository> -->
<!-- </distributionManagement> -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- To build a clean binary pacakge to distribute -->
<!-- To specify the Java Version -->
How to tune the pom file to do that?
I uploaded the small example to github:
To exectue it do the following:
This should print You did it!
. Now the goal is to upload compress and upload this appassembler folder to bintray.
Research done:
The problem is that Bintray does not support SNAPSHOTs (Bintray is for releases only). What you need is an Artifactory+Bintray combo, that deploys snapshots to Artifactory, and once in a while (when you deside), releases a 'production-ready' version to Bintray.
Depending on the nature of your project you might be qualified to a free account on The requirement is that your deliverable is an open-source library/product, which is included in JCenter.
Pushing from Artifactory to Bintray is a really simple process, you can perform it just by clicking a button in Artifactory UI or by performing a REST call. Just remember - it must be a release, not a SNAPSHOT.
There are number of ways to convert a SNAPSHOT to release, which include changing versions in POM by hand, Maven Release Plugin, and others. When you use as your Artifactory server, it includes a special plugin, which converts SHAPSHOTs to releases and deploys to Bintray in one go.