CLASSPATH, Java Buld Path (eclipse), and WEB-INF\LIB : what to use, when, and why?

sangfroid picture sangfroid · Nov 30, 2009 · Viewed 81k times · Source

I recently switched to J2EE from .NET, and am confused about where to put JAR files. I know that the CLASSPATH, WEB-INF, and Eclipse's Java Web Path are all places where JARs can be stored, but I'm confused about which folder to use, when, and why.

First off, we have the CLASSPATH. I usually set this by going into "Environment Variables" inside "My Computer." I know that this is the default place where the Java compiler looks for JAR files. When I add a folder or a JAR to my CLASSPATH environment variable, why is it ignored by Eclipse, the Java compiler, and the web server?

Also, I know that WEB-INF\LIB is a place where you can put JAR files that your web app is going to use. However, I've put JARs in WEB-INF\LIB only to have them be ignored. In what situations should I put JARs into WEB-INF\LIB folder? How do I get Eclipse or the web server to notice them?

So far, the only thing that works for me is to actually change the Java Build Path for an Eclipse project. I'll select the JARs I need and hit "Add External JARs." Most of the time when I do this, Eclipse will recognize my JARs and read the classes therein. However, I've run into a bunch of weird random errors while doing this (mostly having to do with dependencies, I think). For some reason, I just get the feeling that this isn't the right way to do things, and that I'm missing some vital piece of information. When should I be manually Adding External JARs inside Eclipse, and when should I be doing things differently? How come Eclipse's Java Build Path doesn't seem to know about the folders in my CLASSPATH environment variable?

Really, I would just like to gain a better understanding of the CLASSPATH, Eclipse's Java Build Path, and the WEB-INF/LIB folder -- the purposes they serve, the relationships between them, and where I should be putting my JARs in various situations. I would appreciate any advice you could give me, or any articles that you could recommend.

Thank you.


Carl Smotricz picture Carl Smotricz · Nov 30, 2009

The CLASSPATH you set in your environment affects only standalone Java applications, i.e. ones you run from a command prompt or an icon. As you've noticed, Eclipse ignores this. It sets up its own per-project classpaths.

javac and java, if called from the command prompt, should/may honor this path, but it's no longer considered great practice to do this. It's turned out that every app needs its own set of stuff, so a global CLASSPATH isn't really doing any of them any good. Modern practice is to simply specify the classpath with the -cp option on the command line for javac or java.

A standalone Web Application server will also set up its own classpath. From the command line or GUI, WebAppServers are usually started by a script (.BAT or .sh) that sets up a classpath using -cp. Tomcat has a directory called common or common/lib where it expects to see libraries that should be available the the server and all programs running under it. But you will generally not need/want to mess with this, as it's customaries for applications to provide their own library collectons in WEB-INF/lib.

So for a Web app, you'd put your varous jars into the lib directory, under WEB-INF, assuming Eclipse pre-builds such a directory structure for you.

All the libs you need also need to be made known to Eclipse. In the Project Explorer, I select the whole slew of them at once, right-click and select Build Path | add to build path. That's easier than messing with Eclipse's project build path manually.