Jersey 2.0 equivalent to POJOMappingFeature

Frederick Roth picture Frederick Roth · Jul 10, 2013 · Viewed 45.5k times · Source

I have some experience using Jersey < 2.0. Now I am trying to build a war application to provide a JSON Webservice API.

I am now struggling for a considerable amount of time trying to configure Moxy and it seams to be way more complicated than what was adding


to your web.xml back in Jersey < 2.0.

Is there some possibility to just say "please add json support"?

Currently I just get a lot of Internal Server Error errors without any log entries on the server and just think "I have to do something totally wrong, this can't be so hard"

Can anyone give me a hint?


Kalaiselvam M picture Kalaiselvam M · Nov 25, 2013

Please use the below dependency which will do it automatically for you.
