SASS implementation for Java?

user213225 picture user213225 · Nov 17, 2009 · Viewed 33.4k times · Source

I'm looking for SASS implementation in Java (could be used with JSP/JSF). For Python I've found CleverCSS, but there is nothing for Java. Anyone heard something about this sort of tool for generating CSS?


Joep picture Joep · Dec 15, 2010

With ANT:

  1. Download JRuby complete jar file (JRuby Complete jar download page)
  2. Download the latest HAML/SASS code (HAML/SASS tarball), and extract it. Put it in "/libs/sass-[VERSION]"
  3. Add the following to an ant build file.
  4. Replace [VERSION] in the script to the corresponding versions of JRuby and SASS
  5. Run the ant script, and the sass or scss files will be compiled!

<path id="JRuby">
    <fileset file="libs/jruby-complete-[VERSION].jar"/> <!-- Location of JRuby jar file -->

<target name="compileSCSS">
    <echo message="Compiling scss files..." />
    <property name="filesIn" value="${dir.css}/scss/**/[^_]*.scss" />
    <property name="fileOutDir" value="/${dir.css}/${}" />
    <script language="ruby" classpathref="JRuby">
            require 'libs/sass-[VERSION]/lib/sass'
            require 'sass/exec'

            files = Dir.glob($project.getProperty('filesIn'))
            Dir.mkdir($project.getProperty('fileOutDir')) unless File.exists?($project.getProperty('fileOutDir'))
            files.each do 
                | file |
                puts "     [sass compiler] " + file + " -> " + $project.getProperty('fileOutDir') + "/" + File.basename(file, ".*") + ".css"
                opts =["--load-path", File.dirname(file), file, File.join($project.getProperty('fileOutDir'), File.basename(file, ".*") + ".css")])
    <echo message="Done compiling scss files!" />


Maven can also do this: Using the antrun plugin:

                    <mkdir dir="${}/compiled" />

                    <echo message="Compiling scss files..."/>
                    <path id="JRuby">
                        <fileset file="${basedir}/jars/jruby-complete-[VERSION].jar"/>
                    <property name="filesIn" value="${}/css/**/[^_]*.scss" />
                    <property name="fileOutDir" value="${}/compiled/css" />
                    <script language="ruby" classpathref="JRuby">
                            require 'libs/sass-[VERSION]/lib/sass'
                            require 'sass/exec'

                            files = Dir.glob($project.getProperty('filesIn'))
                            Dir.mkdir($project.getProperty('fileOutDir')) unless File.exists?($project.getProperty('fileOutDir'))
                            files.each do 
                                | file |
                                puts "     [sass compiler] " + file + " -> " + $project.getProperty('fileOutDir') + "/" + File.basename(file, ".*") + ".css"
                                opts =["--load-path", File.dirname(file), file, File.join($project.getProperty('fileOutDir'), File.basename(file, ".*") + ".css")])