There is a good question on rounding decimals in Java here. But I was wondering how can I include the trailing zeros to display prices in my program like: $1.50, $1.00
The simple solution of
String.format("%.2g%n", 0.912385);
works just fine, but omits the trailing zero if it is at the last decimal place. The issue comes up in my program even though I only use expressions like this:
double price = 1.50;
When I do calculations with different prices (add, multiply, etc.) the result is primarily displayed like this:
So, using the String.format works fine for this purpose, but it truncates the above example to
Is there a proper way to show the trailing zero at the second decimal place? Or both zeros if the output of a calculation should be
I would recommend that you do this:
NumberFormat currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
double price = 2.50000000000003;
This has the virtue of be locale-specific as well. This will work, for example, if you're in the euro zone instead of the US.