How can I pass the build parameters to the email-ext jelly template? Before making some builds I would like to put a different custom message/some announcement/non-code changes, decisions etc. I'm thinking of putting this as a build parameter so that I'm presented with a screen prompting me to enter the message if I'm going to build manually.
Edit: I found a solution, the build params are available as Env variables, I have this code to access Env variables:
<j:set var="buildenv" value="${build.getEnvironment(listener)}"/>
<j:set var="customMsg" value="${buildenv.get('customMsg')}"/>
Switch to the email-ext groovy email templates.
Then, copy the sample groovy-html.template
and customize it by adding the following script -
def parametersAction = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class)
if (parametersAction != null)
for (p in parametersAction.parameters)
Take a look at the hudson.model.ParametersAction