I am creating a feedback form in my app.
This is what I want :
When the user fills the feedback form and then clicks on Submit button, the user information is then sent to my email address without asking the user to log into his/her account i.e. user can send feedback without our email credentials. Is it possible?
If yes then please give some hint.
I hit a similar problem and ended up sending emails to myself using AWS SES
public static void sendEmail(String receiver,String title,String message){
AWSCredentials credentials = getCreds();
AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient sesClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient( credentials );
Content subjectContent = new Content(title);
Body messageBody = new Body(new Content(message));
Message feedbackMessage = new Message(subjectContent,messageBody);
Destination destination = new Destination().withToAddresses(receiver);
SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest(receiver,destination,feedbackMessage);
SendEmailResult result = sesClient.sendEmail(request);