I'm trying the java coin change problem to enumerate all possible sets of change to be given for n.
My logic follows as such:
while n >= denom m {
array[]+= denom m
n-= denom m
return coinChanger(++denom)
My code:
public List<Integer> makeChange(int change) {
int[] denominations;
denominations = new int[]{1, 5, 10, 25};
return changeMaker(change, denominations, 0);
public List<Integer> changeMaker(int change, int[] denominations, int index) {
List<Integer> resultsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int[] resultDenom;
resultDenom = new int[4];
if (change <= 1) {
return resultsList;
while (change >= denominations[index]) {
resultDenom[index] += denominations[index];
System.out.println("ResultsDenom: " + resultDenom[index]);
change -= denominations[index];
for (int val : resultDenom) {
if (change > denominations[index]) {
return changeMaker(change-=denominations[index], denominations, ++index);
return resultsList;
This outputs just 1 set of all the enumerations:
I'm struggling to figure out how move to the next denomination once one of them finishes... I know you're supposed to move to the next index in the denomination array... but then that just adds the next coin... how do I make it add the next largest coin, then recursively drop to the next coin... all the way through all 4 coins?
public List<Integer> makeChange(int change) {
int[] denominations;
denominations = new int[]{25, 10, 5, 1};
return changeMaker(change, denominations, 0);
public List<Integer> changeMaker(int change, int[] denominations, int index) {
List<Integer> resultsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int[] resultDenom;
resultDenom = new int[4];
if (change <= 1) {
return resultsList;
if (index > 3) {
return resultsList;
//if 27 >= 25
if (change >= denominations[index]) {
//[+25, 0, 0, 0]
resultDenom[index] += denominations[index];
//{ LIST } <--- [25, 0, 0, 0]
//List now contains { [25, 0, 0, 0], }, still need all other permutations
//27 - 25,
return changeMaker(change-=denominations[index], denominations, ++index);
return resultsList;
DESIRED OUTPUT: List of Lists... 27 cents:
LIST{ [1, 0, 0, 2], [0, 2, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3, 2]... etc}
Simplest solution is to recurse into two variants at each step (if you are not finished):
Should look like this:
public class Coins {
static final int[] DENOMINATIONS = {25, 10, 5, 1};
public static void change(int amount) {
change(amount, new ArrayList<Integer>(), 0);
private static void change(int remaining, List<Integer> coins, int pos) {
if (remaining == 0) {
} else {
if (remaining >= DENOMINATIONS[pos]) {
change(remaining - DENOMINATIONS[pos], coins, pos);
coins.remove(coins.size() - 1);
if (pos + 1 < DENOMINATIONS.length) {
change(remaining, coins, pos + 1);
If you want to collect the lists, you need to make a copy of the list where a coin is added (instead of removing it after returning from the call).