I'm running tomcat as:
mvn tomcat7:run-war
I've found here that I can set parameters for debugging. By exporting maven option:
export MAVEN_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
mvn tomcat7:run-war
My first question, how can i connect to tomcat from IntelliJ IDEA? As usual I first configure tomcat itself in IDEA, but when I run it as embedded, there is no the application server at the moment I start it.
My second qustion, can I set MAVEN_OPTS in file, in order to skip running export command?
I've read that in pom.xml it is impossible. But I found here that I can use the %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\mavenrc_pre.bat
file for this purpose. But I cannot find anything about this file usage in my books about maven. Don't you know, does it work?
In order to check it, first I need to resolve the first problem with connecting to tomcat from idea.
To connect to a tomcat from IDEA: