I'm trying to release a library using Maven and perform a site-deploy to sourceforge (I have create an interactive shell first). The release is done by a Jenkins job (using the Maven Release Plugin for Jenkins).
I tried:
-X -e -Dresume=false -Dusername=puce release:prepare release:perform -Darguments="-Dusername=puce"
-X -e -Dresume=false -Dusername=puce -Darguments=-Dusername=puce release:prepare release:perform
but both times the job hangs at site:deploy of the first module:
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ myproject-parent ---
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository: myGroupId:myOtherproject-parent:pom:1.0
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository: myGroupId:myOtherproject-parent:pom:1.0
Using private key: /opt/jenkins/.ssh/id_dsa
When I stop the job, the following gets printed at end:
Password for ${username}@shell.sourceforge.net: channel stopped
which probably means that ${username} wasn't resolved.
How can I resolve the ${username}?
Note that the following runs fine:
site-deploy -Psonatype-oss-release -Dusername=puce
Edit 2: As part of release:perform maven executes the following command:
/usr/share/maven/bin/mvn -s /tmp/release-settings7797889802430474959.xml deploy site-deploy --no-plugin-updates --batch-mode -Psonatype-oss-release -P nexus -f pom.xml
doesn't seem to get passed to this maven command...
Also note that help:effective-pom shows the following maven-release-plugin configuration:
So 'arguments' gets defined and its value seems to reach the embedded maven command instead of the value passed on the command line...
What I've successfully done in the past is as follows:
Define a property in the POM file, e.g.:
Add the POM property to the plugin configuration in the POM file, e.g.;
Pass the argument through the property on the command-line, e.g.:
mvn release:prepare -Drelease.arguments="-N -Prelease"
Hope this helps.