How big a war file should be?

jvmvik picture jvmvik · Apr 9, 2013 · Viewed 21.6k times · Source

Tomcat 7 manager limit the war file size to 50 Mo.

  • Why this limitation of 50 Mo ?
  • What should be the maximum war file size ? (in practice)

I'm working with Grails 2.2 which generate a minimal WAR of 28 Mo. So, the limit of 50 Min is very easy to reach.


Kal picture Kal · Apr 9, 2013

This is only a limit set for you to upload and deploy via the Tomcat 7 manager. There really is not a limit on the size of the war file you can deploy to a tomcat server.

Here is a link that can help you increase this upload size.

Quoted from link --

Go to the web.xml of the manager application (for instance it could be under /tomcat7/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml. Increase the max-file-size and max-request-size:

<!– 50MB max –>



