JDBC connection with auto reconnect

bumperbox picture bumperbox · Oct 13, 2009 · Viewed 30k times · Source

I am using JDBC to connect to a database server. The connection is over a wireless network and can be dodgy at times. At the moment when the connection is lost I need to close and restart the application.

Does anyone have some examples of code where I could write some sort of wrapper to automatically reconnect and rerun the last query? This would save a lot of hassles.

I am just not sure how it should/could be implemented. Maybe there is already something available?


zkarthik picture zkarthik · Oct 14, 2009

Even if you use JDBC connection pool either application server provided or apache commons pooling, it is worthwhile to code a retry logic. Based on the configuration of your application server, the app server would purge all the pooled connections and recreate a fresh set of connections. Here is a sample:

Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
// How many times do you want to retry the transaction
// (or at least _getting_ a connection)?
int retryCount = 5;
boolean transactionCompleted = false;
do {

  try {
    conn = getConnection(); // assume getting this from a
    // javax.sql.DataSource, or the
    // java.sql.DriverManager

    retryCount = 0;
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    String query = "Some sample SQL";
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    while (rs.next()) {
    rs = null;
    stmt = null;

    conn = null;
    transactionCompleted = true;
  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
    // The two SQL states that are 'retry-able' 
    // for a communications error.
    // Only retry if the error was due to a stale connection,
    // communications problem 
    String sqlState = sqlEx.getSQLState();
    if ("Substitute with Your DB documented sqlstate number for stale connection".equals(sqlState) ) {
    } else {
      retryCount = 0;
  } finally {
    if (rs != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // log this
    if (stmt != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // log this
    if (conn != null) {
      try {
        // If we got here, and conn is not null, the
        // transaction should be rolled back, as not
        // all work has been done
        try {
        } finally {

      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // If we got an exception here, something
        // pretty serious is going on, so we better
        // pass it up the stack, rather than just
        // logging it. . .
        throw sqlEx;
} while (!transactionCompleted && (retryCount > 0));