Evaluating properties inside Spring Expression Lang (SpEL)

Sebastian picture Sebastian · Mar 19, 2013 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

Our service has a process that is scheduled according to a properties file, reading the property refreshIntervalMillis. Its value is injected directly in a Quartz trigger with this configuration:

<bean name="trigger"
    class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerFactoryBean "

However, the admins that install this service think in terms of hours/days, so in order to make thing easier for them, we changed this to:

  1. Renamed refreshIntervalMillis to refreshIntervalMinutes
  2. Changed to code above to the following:
p:repeatInterval="#{ 1000 * 60 * T(java.lang.Integer).valueOf(@configurationProperties['garbageLevelWatcher.refreshIntervalMinutes'])}"

Note: the properties object is exposed as a bean named "configurationProperties"

Is there a simpler syntax to accomplish the same?



Gary Russell picture Gary Russell · Mar 19, 2013

"#{T(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).MINUTES.toMillis( @configurationProperties['garbageLevelWatcher.refreshIntervalMinutes'])}"



<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="configurationProperties"
<util:constant id = "MINUTES" static-field="java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES" />

