Multiple one-to-many relations in Spring JDBC

LuckyLuke picture LuckyLuke · Mar 19, 2013 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I am using Spring JDBC and I am a bit unsure on how to work with multiple one-to-many relations (or many-to-many). In this case I am injecting a repository into one of my resultsetextractors so that I can retrieve its associations. Is this the way to do it? Is it bad? Are there other better ways?

Note: I have left out the injection of repository

public class SomeResultSetExtractor implements ResultSetExtractor {

  public Object extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException {
    List result = new LinkedList();

    while ( {
        SomeObject object = new SomeObject(rs.getString(1), rs.getLong(2));

        List<AnotherObject> otherObjects = anotherRepository.findAllById(object.getId);
        // and so on

    return result;


Okey so after reading Dmytro Polivenok answer I have changed to RowMapper interface instead and I am currently using the other repositories to populate all associations like I show in my example. Is this a good way of doing it?


tkr picture tkr · Mar 28, 2013

I think a good practice for Spring JDBC and SQL queries in general is to use one query for each entity.

E.g. assume this model:

  • Customer (customerId, name, age, ...)
  • Address (customerId, type, street, city, ...)
  • PaymentOption (customerId, cardnumber, cardtype, ...)

  • Customer 1---* Address

  • Customer 1---* PaymentOption

I would build 3 queries, 3 Daos, 3 ResultSetExtractors/RowcallbackHandlers:

  • CustomerDao with readCustomerData(Customer or List)
  • AddressDao with readAddressForCustomer(Customer or List)
  • PaymentOptionDao with readPaymentOptionsForCustomer(Customer or List)

If you would bake this in 1 query, you would have to build some logic to revert the cartasian product.

  • I.e. if the customer has 3 addresses and 2 payment options the query would return 6 rows.
  • This gets quite hard, if Address or PaymentOption does not have an own primary key.

For many to many:

  • Customer * --recommends-- * Product

I would probably build:

  • CustomerDao.readRecommendationsAndProductKeys
  • getDistinctListOfProductKeysFromRecommendations
  • ProductDao.readProducts
  • replaceProductKeysByProductsOnRecommendations

Like this you could reuse ProductDao.readProducts for

  • Customer * --buys-- * Product or
  • ProductGroup 1---* Product