I apologize if this has already been discussed.
I have a clip duration in a string:
I would like to convert that to value in milliseconds. (Basically 617000 for the above string)
Is there some API that I could use to do this in one or two steps. On basic way would be to split the string and then add the minutes, seconds and hours.
But is there a shorter way to do this?
Here is one own written possible approach(assumption of same source format always)
String source = "00:10:17";
String[] tokens = source.split(":");
int secondsToMs = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]) * 1000;
int minutesToMs = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]) * 60000;
int hoursToMs = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]) * 3600000;
long total = secondsToMs + minutesToMs + hoursToMs;