I'm developing a website where I need to show a dashboard with data from the backend. The data visualization look and feel needs to be like Google Analytics dashboard.
I'm wondering if there's any free API/library/project that lets me do it. Also the project is in Java (SpringMVC).
Any guidance /help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Given Google analytics layout, I would suggest you to use Twitter bootstrap because :
Twitter bootstrap : http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
As for the data visualization, I strongly encourage you to go for d3.js (http://d3js.org/), because you can generate a wide and clean variety of graphs (see examples: https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Gallery).
You can start by looking at SpringMVC and bootstrap examples provided at : https://github.com/priyatam/springmvc-twitterbootstrap-showcase