I have a hash map as below
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("one", "1");
map.put("two", "2");
map.put("three", "3");
Map root = new HashMap();
root.put("hello", map);
My Freemarker template is:
<#list hello?keys as key>
${key} = ${hello[key]}
The goal is to display key-value pair in the HTML that I'm generating. Please help me to do it. Thanks!
HashMap<String, String> test1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map root = new HashMap();
test1.put("one", "1");
test1.put("two", "2");
test1.put("three", "3");
root.put("hello", test1);
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // Create configuration
Template template = cfg.getTemplate("test.ftl"); // Filename of your template
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // So you can use the output as String
template.process(root, sw); // process the template to output
System.out.println(sw); // eg. output your result
<#list hello?keys as key>
${key} = ${hello[key]}
two = 2
one = 1
three = 3