According to this thread, Jedis is the best thing to use if I want to use Redis from Java.
However, I was wondering if there are any libraries/packages providing similarly efficient set operations to those that already exist in Redis, but can be directly embedded in a Java application without the need to set up separate servers. (i.e., using Jetty for web server).
To be more precise, I would like to be able to do the following efficiently:
The above happens in a parallelized fashion. When M and N are large, Redis accomplishes the above much more efficiently than SQL queries. Is there some way to do this using an embeddable Java library that is a bit more lightweight than starting a Redis server?
I recognize that it's possible to write a pile of code using Java's concurrency libraries that would roughly approximate this (and to some extent, I have done that), but that's not exactly what I'm looking for here.
Have a look at project voldemort . It's an distributed key-value store created by Linked-In, and it supports the ability to be embedded.
In the quick start guide is a small example of running the server embedded vs. stand-alone.
VoldemortConfig config = VoldemortConfig.loadFromEnvironmentVariable();
VoldemortServer server = new VoldemortServer(config);
I don't know much about Redis, so I can't compare them feature to feature. In the project we used Voldemort, we used it's readonly backing store with great results. It allowed us to "precompile" a bi-daily database in our processing data-center and "ship it" out to edge data-centers. That way each edge data-center had a local copy of it's dataset.
EDIT: After rereading your question, I wanted to add Gauva's Table -- This Table DataStructure may also be something your looking for and is simlar to what you get with many no-sql databases.