How to use the Java MP3 ID3 Tag Library to retrieve album artwork

Adeeb picture Adeeb · Feb 6, 2013 · Viewed 27.2k times · Source

I'm making an mp3 player. I'm using the Java mp3 id3 tag library. I understand that album artwork is encoded as a ID3v2 tag.

I can access the ID3v2 tag of a mp3 file however I cannot get the artwork! None of the methods in the AbstractID3v2 class, in the API seem to retrieve a picture.

How does one use this library?


Adeeb picture Adeeb · Feb 7, 2013

I ended up using another library, I used mp3agic

It's a great library which is easy to use. Here's sample code I used to get the album artwork

Mp3File song = new Mp3File(filename);
if (song.hasId3v2Tag()){
     ID3v2 id3v2tag = song.getId3v2Tag();
     byte[] imageData = id3v2tag.getAlbumImage();
     //converting the bytes to an image
     BufferedImage img = ByteArrayInputStream(imageData));