I am novice to XACML policies. Can you specify me how to implement XACML policies. I have tried different API's. But for my project I need to implement XACML evaluation engine. So, can you help me providing the implementation details. Which language will be best suitable for implementing the evaluation engine .
Thanks in Advance.
I guess, Implementing a XACML evaluation engine is not an easy task. You need to go through XACML specification at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xacml/ and do the implementation based on it. It would be better, if you can find already implemented XACML based authorization engine.
"Balana" is one of the XACML implementation (with partial XACML 3.0 version) which is java based open source project.
Therefore you can use it freely and you can find the source core from https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/trunk/commons/balana/.
Also if you really want to implement a new XACML engine, you can go through Balana source code and can get some idea implementation or reuse source code of it. More details on Balana and about XACML can be found from this blog post at http://xacmlinfo.com/. I guess, java would be easy language to deal with as you need to work with more XML stuff.