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Why can’t I find Java desktop application in Netbeans 7.1
I used to have the option to create a new "Java Desktop Application" in Netbeans 6.9.1. However, I can't find this option any longer in NetBeans IDE 7.2.1.
Is it still available?
The party line from the Netbeans project contributors is to use the Netbeans Platform. In the wizard look under Netbeans Modules.
The Swing Application Framework (SAF) that you're probably remembering has been abandoned.
Netbeans Platform seems reasonably good, but it represents a fairly big effort to learn its conventions and capabilties.
This article talks about BSAF, which is some level of continued support for SAF. However BSAF took a hit when Netbeans dropped the wizard and form edit capabilities that are part of SAF. The most recent development is the return of SAF/BSAF form editing as a plugin for the v7+ Netbeans environments. You can no longer generate a SAF/BSAF app with the app wizard. A workaround is to make a SAF application in 6.9.1 and then import it as needed to make new ones in 7.2+.