android webview displaying blank page

Chris White picture Chris White · Jan 13, 2013 · Viewed 55.2k times · Source

I have an android application that I am developing using the emulator running on android 2.3.3 with an embedded WebView in a framelayout nested in a linearlayout (vertical). No matter what code I use it never actually does anything. I have Permissions on the android application set to INTERNET. Even when trying to load just the HTML code. I get a blank white page, no errors no nothing. Nothing in logcat as well.

WebView wview = (WebView)findViewById(;

I have tried all three of these to attempt to load anything into the webview:

wview.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, "<HTML><BODY><H3>Test</H3></BODY></HTML>","text/html","utf-8",null);

All three give me the same results. Nothing.

Any ideas?


zionpi picture zionpi · Jun 25, 2015
WebSettings settings = wbView.getSettings();