I am currently creating application using Java, I googled password encryption with java but the results are so enormous I felt overwhelmed. How would I encrypt and decrypt a password using Java? And what is the best practice for encrypting and decrypting passwords? I am guessing MD5 is not a way to go since it is a one way hash. I am using struts2 as my framework, was wondering if they provide password encryption
Try JBCrypt:
String password = "MyPassword123";
String hashed = BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt(12));
System.out.println(hashed); // $2a$12$QBx3/kI1SAfwBDFOJK1xNOXK8R2yC7vt2yeIYusaqOisYbxTNFiMy
Download jBCrypt-0.3 from here, check README file for more details.