Possible Duplicate:
How to make a columns in JTable Invisible for Swing Java
How to hide a particlar column in DefaultTableModel from displaying it in table?
I am trying to enter data to three columns in JTable, but I want to show only two columns. Actually, I want to hide the third column, not by setting the width to 0, but by any other method in which I can get the data from the hidden column on a click event.
How can I hide a column in this manner?
I am using the following code:
try {
String Title[]= new String{"a","b","c"};
Object obj= new Object[50][3];
JTable table= new JTable(obj,title);
JScrollPane jsp= new JScrollPane(table);
} catch(Exception ex) {
Set the Column Minimum and Maximum width as zero.
As link suggested by Andrew Thomson in the comment section you can also use removeColumn.
From javaDoc;
public void removeColumn(TableColumn aColumn)
Removes aColumn from this JTable's array of columns. Note: this method does not remove the column of data from the model; it just removes the TableColumn that was responsible for displaying it. Parameters: aColumn - the TableColumn to be removed
P.S: But I have personally used the first approach to hide a column in the JTable
. Thanks for removeColumn
method I will try to use it from now on.