Jboss Java EE container and an ExecutorService

emeraldjava picture emeraldjava · Dec 18, 2012 · Viewed 30.2k times · Source

I have a standalone java app which used the ExecutorService to process a number of jobs in parallel

 ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

I now want to re-use the same solution within an EJB bean but am unsure how to correctly initialize the ThreadPool, since I'd normally leave the Java EE container to control all thread resources. Can I just use the same code or is there an alternative correct way to get a Jboss managed thread pool?


Chris Ritchie picture Chris Ritchie · Oct 16, 2013

The correct way to do this in your EJB is to use the ManagedExecutorService, which is part of the Concurrency Utils API (Java EE7). You shouldn't be using any ExecutorService that is part of the java.util.concurrent in your enterprise code.

By using the ManagedExecutorService your new thread will be created and managed by the container.

The following example is taken from my site here.

To create a new thread using a ManagedExecutorService, first create a task object that implements Callable. Within the call() method we will define the work that we want carried out in a separate thread.

public class ReportTask implements Callable<Report> {

    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getSimpleName());

    public Report call() {
        try {
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Thread interrupted", e);
        return new Report();

Then we need to invoke the task by passing it though to the submit() method of the ManagedExecutorService.

public class ReportBean {

    private ManagedExecutorService executorService;

    public void runReports() {
        ReportTask reportTask = new ReportTask();
        Future<Report> future = executorService.submit(reportTask);