I've need to store 2 keys into KeyStore Here's the relevant code:
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
String password = "password";
char[] ksPass = password.toCharArray();
ks.load(null, ksPass);
ks.setKeyEntry("keyForSeckeyDecrypt", privateKey, null, null);
ks.setKeyEntry("keyForDigitalSignature", priv, null, null);
FileOutputStream writeStream = new FileOutputStream("key.store");
ks.store(writeStream, ksPass);
Though I get an execption "Private key must be accompanied by certificate chain"
What is that, exactly? and how would I generate it?
You need to also provide the certificate (public key) for the private key entry. For a certificate signed by a CA, the chain is the CA's certificate and the end-certificate. For a self-signed certificate you only have the self-signed certificate
KeyPair keyPair = ...;//You already have this
X509Certificate certificate = generateCertificate(keyPair);
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
Certificate[] certChain = new Certificate[1];
certChain[0] = certificate;
keyStore.setKeyEntry("key1", (Key)keyPair.getPrivate(), pwd, certChain);
To generate the certificate follow this link:
public X509Certificate generateCertificate(KeyPair keyPair){
X509V3CertificateGenerator cert = new X509V3CertificateGenerator();
cert.setSerialNumber(BigInteger.valueOf(1)); //or generate a random number
cert.setSubjectDN(new X509Principal("CN=localhost")); //see examples to add O,OU etc
cert.setIssuerDN(new X509Principal("CN=localhost")); //same since it is self-signed
PrivateKey signingKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
return cert.generate(signingKey, "BC");