I have a JComboBox and would like to have a separator in the list of elements. How do I do this in Java?
A sample scenario where this would come in handy is when making a combobox for font-family-selection; similar to the font-family-selection-control in Word and Excel. In this case I would like to show the most-used-fonts at the top, then a separator and finally all font-families below the separator in alphabetical order.
Can anyone help me with how to do this or is this not possible in Java?
There is a pretty short tutorial with an example that shows how to use a custom ListCellRenderer on java2s http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Swing-Components/BlockComboBoxExample.htm
Basically it involves inserting a known placeholder in your list model and when you detect the placeholder in the ListCellRenderer you return an instance of 'new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL)'