I'm searching a way to include __LINE__
as a compile-time constant in outputted messages.
Various solutions seem to exist, but with a big runtime penalty as suggested in __LINE__
in JS and __LINE__
in C#. They are usually always based upon a runtime object StackFrame
as log4j.
Using the log4j possibility of enabling/disabling on a needed basis isn't an option either since usually when an error happens, it's too late to enable the line numbers, and inlined code doesn't seem to have any line numbers any more. . Would it be possible to either :
1. Actually I do use an ugly hack: calling a custom preprocessor just after checkout on the build server via ANT tricks
It's impossible to get the effect of __LINE__
in C which happens at compile time.
You can get line number by calling a function like this at runtime,
public static int lineNumber() {
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber();