Java: Exception testing with Junit 3

Mobidoy picture Mobidoy · Nov 6, 2012 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

I would like to write a test for IndexOutOfBoundsException. Keep in mind that we are supposed to use JUnit 3.

My code:

public boolean ajouter(int indice, T element) {
    if (indice < 0 || indice > (maListe.size() - 1)) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    } else if (element != null && !maListe.contains(element)) {
        maListe.set(indice, element);
        return true;

After some research, I found that you can do this with JUnit 4 using @Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class) but no where did I find how to do this in JUnit 3.

How can I test this using JUnit 3?


Aaron Digulla picture Aaron Digulla · Nov 6, 2012

Testing exceptions in JUnit 3 uses this pattern:

try {
     ... code that should throw an exception ...

     fail( "Missing exception" );
} catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
     assertEquals( "Expected message", e.getMessage() ); // Optionally make sure you get the correct message, too

The fail() makes sure you get an error if the code doesn't throw an exception.

I use this pattern in JUnit 4 as well since I usually want to make sure the correct values are visible in the exception message and @Test can't do that.