What is a clean and elegant way to copy a bunch of files via scp with Gradle?
Two ways I currently see are:
Are there any better (more obvious) ways to approach this?
A few years after the original question, I like the Gradle SSH Plugin. A small quote of its extensive documentation:
We can describe SSH operations in the session closure.
session(remotes.web01) { // Execute a command def result = execute 'uptime' // Any Gradle methods or properties are available in a session closure copy { from "src/main/resources/example" into "$buildDir/tmp" } // Also Groovy methods or properties are available in a session closure println result }
Following methods are available in a session closure.
- Execute a command.executeBackground
- Execute a command in background.executeSudo
- Execute a command with sudo support.shell
- Execute a shell.put
- Put a file or directory into the remote host.get
- Get a file or directory from the remote host.
...and allows for, for example:
task deploy(dependsOn: war) << {
ssh.run {
session(remotes.staging) {
put from: war.archivePath.path, into: '/webapps'
execute 'sudo service tomcat restart'