use java-ffmpeg wrapper, or simply use java runtime to execute ffmpeg?

Beier picture Beier · Aug 15, 2009 · Viewed 76.6k times · Source

I'm pretty new to Java, need to write a program that listen to video conversion instructions and convert the video once an new instruction arrives (instructions is stored in Amazon SQS, but it's irrelevant to my question)

I'm facing a choice, either use Java RunTime to exec 'ffmpeg' conversion (like from command line), or I can use a ffmpeg wrapper written inJava

I'd much prefer using Java Runtime to exec ffmpeg directly, and avoid using java-ffmpeg wrapper as I have to learn the library. so my question is are there any benefits using java-ffmpeg wrapper over exec ffmpeg directly using Runtime? I don't need ffmpeg to play videos, just convert videos



Peter Thomas picture Peter Thomas · Aug 15, 2009

If I'm not mistaken, the "ffmpeg wrapper" project you linked to is out of date and not maintained. ffmpeg is a very active project, lot's of changes and releases all the time.

You should look at the Xuggler project, this provides a Java API for what you want to do, and they have tight integration with ffmpeg.

Should you choose to go down the Runtime.exec() path, this Red5 thread should be useful: