There are three tables modeled as three entities:
public class Event {
public Long datetime;
public String name;
public Long processId;
public class Process {
public Long Id;
public Long sequence;
public Name name;
public class Operation {
public Long Id;
public Long datetime;
public Long sequence;
Any unique single record of process-operation-sequence is obtained by the SQL that has a 3-way join constraint:
FROM event e, process p, operation q
WHERE e.processId =
AND e.datetime = q.datetime
AND p.sequence = q.sequence
To implement that in JPA, I have to make a list of operations, which would be explicitly narrowed down to a single record thro the JQPL equality p.sequence = q.sequence
public class Event {
public Long datetime;
public String name;
public Long processId;
name = "processId", referencedColumnName="id",
insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Process process;
name = "datetime", referencedColumnName="datetime",
insertable=false, updatable=false)
private List<Operation> operations;
Where the JPQL specifies the transitive 3rd join constraint:
INNER JOIN FETCH e.process p
INNER JOIN FETCH e.operations q
WHERE p.sequence = q.sequence
However, I want all three constraints to be modeled inside the entity POJO. Shouldn't there be way to use JPA annotations alone to three-way join? As the following entity pseudo-code illustrates:
public class Event {
public Long datetime;
public String name;
public Long processId;
name = "processId", referencedColumnName="id",
insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Process process;
name = "datetime", referencedColumnName="datetime",
insertable=false, updatable=false)
name = "process.sequence", referencedColumnName="sequence",
insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Operation operations;
So that it would not be necessary to specify transitive-join constraint in the JPQL
INNER JOIN FETCH e.process p
INNER JOIN FETCH e.operations q
How do I model a transitive join using JPA annotations?
You seem to be trying to model a query, instead of your data. You should model your data correctly, then write your query.
You seem to have
To query all operations for an event, you could use,
Select o from Operation o join o.process p join e where e.datetime = o.datetime
To get all the object back use,
Select o, p, e from Operation o join o.process p join e where e.datetime = o.datetime
If you really need to model the query as a relationship, this is outside of the JPA spec, but some JPA providers may support it. In EclipseLink you can use a DescriptorCustomizer to configure any relationship to use any expression criteria, or you own SQL.