In Freemarker templates we can use the escape directive to automatically apply an escaping to all interpolations inside the included block:
<#escape x as x?html>
<#-- name is escaped as html -->
Hallo, ${name}
Is there a way to programmatically achieve a similar effect, defining a default escape applied to all interpolations in the template, including those outside escape directives?
To elaborate on Attila's answer: you can use a class like this one and then wrap your template loader like this:
final TemplateLoader templateLoader = new ClassTemplateLoader(this.getClass(), templatePath) {
* Replaces the normal template reader with something that changes the default
* escaping to HTML as to avoid XSS attacks.
public Reader getReader(Object templateSource, String encoding) throws IOException {
return new WrappingReader(super.getReader(templateSource, encoding), "<#escape x as x?html>", "</#escape>");
If you don't include linebreaks in the added parts you don't get the line numbering problem. You can't use the <#ftl>/[#ftl] with this approach, though.