I've started developing a bundle for apache felix and did so with the ops4j pax plugin.
I've created the project structure with pax-create-project
and in there did the normal pax-create-bundle
. Then you get the initial project structure for building the whole thing with maven. The important part here is, that your bundle has it's own pom (bundlename/pom.xml
) and bnd file (bundlename/osgi.bnd
) but the configuration for maven-bundle-plugin
is already provided under poms/compiled/pom.xml
The bundle metadata is configured under poms/compiled/pom.xml
but the standard activator is configured under the above mentioned osgi.bnd
file. The default in the bnd file is Bundle-Activator: ${bundle.namespace}.internal.ExampleActivator
Now I wanted to start using annotations from org.apache.felix.scr
so I included this in the bundles own pom under dependencies:
And I created my interface for the service:
package namespace;
public interface Sample {
void sayHello();
As well as the implementation with the annotations from org.apache.felix.scr
package namespace.internal;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import namespace.Sample;
public class SampleImpl implements Sample{
void start(){
System.out.println("Started SampleImpl.");
void stop(){
System.out.println("Stopped SampleImpl.");
public void sayHello() {
What do I need to place in the osgi.bnd
file in order to start the components? I had to remove the default entry mentioned above because I`m not using the BundleActivator any more.
Now here is the question: What do I need to do to any of the above mentioned files in order to let the mvn clean install pax:provision
start up a felix environment that starts my bundle and let me see any of the printouts? I have already looked at the log output of the Apache Log Service which I'm starting too and it just tells me:
2012.09.28 16:52:44 INFO - Bundle: namespace - BundleEvent STARTED
2012.09.28 16:52:44 INFO - Bundle: namespace - BundleEvent RESOLVED
Any hints are very well appreciated. Or links, I've searched for more then hours to find a complete guide to use the maven plugins for scr and bundle together.
Greetings, Kjellski
This is a modification of my coderwall writeup on this topic: http://coderwall.com/p/q39uxq
First configure the general compilation configuration of the submodules from poms/compiled/pom.xml. Add the plugin right where the maven-bundle-plugin already is:
In the same file, under poms/compiled/pom.xml, look at the instructions for maven-bundle-plugin and add right under the <_include> statement:
Now depend on the annotations in the subprojects in order to use them:
Now define your components with annotations @Component and @Service. When you want none to be included, like in any api bundle, just insert "Service-Component: *" in the osgi.bnd file. This will cause the bundle plugin to stop complaining about the missing OSGI.INF for the project that doesn't contain any.
Hope this helps somebody ;)
Cheers, Kjellski