Rollback transaction after @Test

Jan Vorcak picture Jan Vorcak · Sep 27, 2012 · Viewed 107.8k times · Source

First of all, I've found a lot of threads on StackOverflow about this, but none of them really helped me, so sorry to ask possibly duplicate question.

I'm running JUnit tests using spring-test, my code looks like this

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {})
public class StudentSystemTest {

    private StudentSystem studentSystem;

    public void initTest() {
    // set up the database, create basic structure for testing

    public void test1() {

My problem is that I want my tests to NOT influence other tests. So I'd like to create something like rollback for each test. I've searched a lot for this, but I've found nothing so far. I'm using Hibernate and MySql for this


Tomasz Nurkiewicz picture Tomasz Nurkiewicz · Sep 27, 2012

Just add @Transactional annotation on top of your test:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"testContext.xml"})
public class StudentSystemTest {

By default Spring will start a new transaction surrounding your test method and @Before/@After callbacks, rolling back at the end. It works by default, it's enough to have some transaction manager in the context.

From: Transaction management (bold mine):

In the TestContext framework, transactions are managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener. Note that TransactionalTestExecutionListener is configured by default, even if you do not explicitly declare @TestExecutionListeners on your test class. To enable support for transactions, however, you must provide a PlatformTransactionManager bean in the application context loaded by @ContextConfiguration semantics. In addition, you must declare @Transactional either at the class or method level for your tests.