What are some modern, more-productive alternatives to Freemarker as view technology for rich web-applications using Spring? Is Spring MVC/Freemarker still one of the best combinations, or are there others?
The application I have to build is small, but complex that will likely require a lot of custom javascript as all of the controls and ui is very non-standard (it's not really a business application). Blizzard's gaming websites like for Diablo 3 is an example of what I'm trying to do.
Is this combination still the best to suite my needs, or are there other technologies I should take a look at?
There are several good and well established template engines on the market. Most of them play nice with Spring.
Performance wise, according to our tests, in order from the slowest:
Your mileage may vary!...
There is a nice comparison of few of those (quite old article). Also a nice tutorial on how to use some of them by Baeldung
There are plenty of template engines out there. Check this directory if you need more...