How to encode Java files in UTF-8 using Apache Ant?

Madeline picture Madeline · Sep 11, 2012 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

In my build.xml file I fetch some Java files by cxf. Some of these Java files need to be encoded in UTF-8. How can I use Ant to change the encoding to UTF-8?

PS: I found instructions for how to set the encoding for javac to UTF-8, but prior to javac I need Java files to be in UTF-8. Otherwise I get an error:

warning: unmappable character for encoding utf-8

Here is my code:

<macrodef name="lpwservice">
    <attribute name="name"/>
    <attribute name="package"/>
        <property name="wsdlfile" value="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl"/>

        <mkdir dir="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl"/>
        <get src="${lpw.baseuri.cxf}/@{name}?wsdl" dest="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}"/>
                <filesmatch file1="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl" file2="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}"/>
                <uptodate targetfile="${portal.basedir}/lpw-wsdl.jar" srcfile="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl"/>
                <echo message="${wsdlfile} is up to date" level="info"/>
                <delete file="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}"/>
                <echo message="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl needs update" level="info"/>
                <move file="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}" tofile="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl" overwrite="true" />
                <java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                    <arg value="-client"/>
                    <arg value="-d"/>
                    <arg value="${portal.basedir}/lpw/src"/>
                    <arg value="${portal.basedir}/lpw/wsdl/@{name}.wsdl"/>
                        <path refid="cxf.classpath"/>

What should I do here to make

<java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true">

to encode java files in utf-8?


Christopher Peisert picture Christopher Peisert · Sep 11, 2012

Ant's <copy> task has attributes encoding and outputencoding.

Single Java File

<copy file="" tofile="" overwrite="true"
    encoding="ISO-8859-1" outputencoding="UTF-8" />

All Java Files in a Directory

<property name="source.dir" location="/path/to/java/files" />

<copy todir="${source.dir}" overwrite="true"
    encoding="ISO-8859-1" outputencoding="UTF-8">
  <fileset dir="${source.dir}" includes="*.java" />

Simply change ISO-8859-1 to the encoding format of your Java files.