Using Guice, if I have
@Inject @Named("light")
Color light;
I can use
.toInstance(new Color("white"));
to bind it to white color if Color constructor only requires color name.
But how can I do it if Color constructor also requires objects which are created by Guice? For example:
public Color(ColorSet colorset, String colorName) {...}
where colorset is create at runtime by Guice and in not available in configure(){...}.
I would like to do it without:
ColorFactoy factory; factory.get("light");
instead of @Named("light") Color light;
The best way to do this is not with a factory but with @Provides
methods. My company uses Guice very, very extensively, and requestInjection
is always considered a bad idea because it can easily set up a very fragile graph of implicit dependencies.
Here's what it should look like:
public class FooModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
// do configuration
Color provideWhiteColor(ColorSet colorSet) {
return colorSet.white(); // or whatever
Color provideBlackColor(ColorSet colorSet) {
return; // or whatever
// etc